As the name suggests, this is a place to post news and gossip. But what does that mean?
Well, it can, necessairly, mean anything that seems important to you.
At least, if it consists of recent sightings, paranormal happenings, or anything of interest that might seem abnormal.
Mars News
Administartor. on 02/20/2014 at 3:11am (UTC) | | The Planet Mars.
"Just what life does it hold," if any at all?
Over the years scientitst can really look back at this question and have something to debate on.
Yes, we already know that there are micoorganisms there, but what else could be on the red rock?
Well, the sky is the limit! Really, don't laugh and let those who scoff at your imagination know that no one really does know for a fact; and that over the years a face has been discovered possibly carved in rock, there have been lizard-like creatures photographed, a man-like-statue photographed in the year 2008, Bio-Station Alpha in 2011, and now, in 2014, structures have been found! What kind, you may ask?
Well, lets just say that your heart is in the right spot.
Wanna know?
Hearts! Not like the organs we know, but rather the symbol that it stands for; and more than one have been found on the Planet!
Is something trying to message us here on Earth? Does something know we're watching? If so, what? Who?
Well, it could be aliens. But, lets go back and look at the picture of the "Mars Man". When cut out with paint and zoomed in as far as we can, we see long hair on a head, a beard, arms, and a Jesus-like-shroud.
Has someone possibly been stranded on the planet some how? Or is it Cain living out his punishment of a solitary, eternal life? But, then again, it could just be Mars himself looking over the very thing that he stands for.
We may never know for sure. All I can say is, look out future colonist. You don't want that sneaking onto your shuttle, and especially not ours homes. The sparks of a petrified lizard has nothing on the fiery soul of a free spirit. | | |
Planet Shift
Administrator. on 02/19/2014 at 12:28pm (UTC) | | Everyone knows that one of the many Doomsday sceneario's consisted of our planet being destroyed in 2013. Why? It was to pass by the elusive Plant X.
Now, there were a few things to take note of as our planet shifted. However, none are more important than what we 'realized' in the summer and winter of that year.
The summer was one of hottest that I had ever lived, and as the end of the year approached, and moved well into the next, it seemed like the longest winter was upon us. But let us not forget all of those fateful gigantic tornadoes that seemed very unlikely.
But what exactly has taken place during these times that really needs our focus?
Give up?
There are a few things.
One is the massive number of sink holes opening up across our planet. It could be caused from the Lime Stone deposits that our government is talking about, but what if there was something more to it? What if it is a reaction to our draining fossil fuels? What if it is a cause from stress due to our planets shift in orbit? Either way, whatever it could be, there are surely bad times to come.
Number Two would be our enviroment. Just what would happen if things stayed too hot or too cold on our planet? Would the bee's finish dying off? Would the polar ice caps melt and flood us all? Would things we depend on all year around die at the harsh hands of Jack Frost? Lets just hope as we roll into 2014 the weather conditions are not as extreme.
A good number three would be the Paranormal itself. As the end of 2013 approached I noticed personally an increase in spirit phenomena, and also an increase of UFO sightings. What all could this mean? Is our planet doomed in the near future? I'd hate to think one of those end of time scenario's could happen just like that. Rather it's an invasion or the death of Odin. Not me. I'd rather die in my bed as an old man(surrounded by my loved ones or living a peaceful dream).
Number four might seem like something to add in with number two, but I assure you that it is a threat in itself. Virus'. Is it just me or are they evolving at an alarming rate? I'd hate for this to be cause of that reactor explosion in China(or was it Japan). But, come on! Our government has its gaze at its public. Do they not see the threat that is taking place over there? THERE ARE TOXIC FUMES SEEPING INTO THE AIR, INTO THE LAND AND WATER, AND INTO THE VERY MEAT, FISH, AND VEGETABLES THAT WE IMPORT! This could very well be the cause of some of our fast evolving virus'. And let me tell you, they have not been a clean sight to see. Especially the zombie-like-cannibals! | | |
Administrator. on 02/28/2009 at 5:17am (UTC) | |
--someone is always watching. | | |
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