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  Weird 'Facts' of the Paranormal
A ghost is the spirit of someone who is dead, around which idea numerous superstitions have evolved. Wheter a ghost manifests itself as a visible apparition, as an invisible poltergeist who distrubs the funiture or merely as a 'presence' felt by those particularly sensitive to such entites, most people are terrified at the thought of meeting one and fear the ramifications of such an encounter. Superstition holds that spirits, which may include apparitions of animals, return to Earth for a variety of reasons. These include seeking vengeance for their deaths, warning others of danger, and seeing to some unfinished business that must be put right before they can enjoy eternal repose.
Disregarding many of the taboos insisted upon by superstition may result in the calling up of the dead and the appearance of ghosts, and even lingering in the vicinity of such ominous locations as crossroads may be enough in itself to summon the attention of the supernatural. Crossroads are incidentally the tradtional burial place of executed criminals and suiciders, largely because their vengeful ghosts will be confused by the choice of ways open to them and are thus less likely to find their way home and cause trouble to surviving relatives. Measures that may be taken against encountering ghost include, according to Scottish tradition, wearing a CROSS of ROWAN wood fastened with red thread and concealed in the lining of one's coat. Of course, let us not forget about blessings and the power of words to drive them away.
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